Kane Brown Part II

Well, in case you are following the Kane Brown federal litigation saga and my analysis from 3/18/2019, mediation is now officially OUT as a remedy from the vantage point of this entertainment lawyer. At least for now. It seemed that someone on Kane's legal team was reading my blog and rebutting it all in one fell swoop. Just as my spiel on the complaint filed by Zone 4, Inc. went live, the answer, affirmative defenses, and counterclaim of Kane Allen Brown went to the court clerk in Atlanta. So read backward to March 18 of this year. But read forward, too. Because this litigation is not going to end soon. The upshot is that Jamal Jones p/k/a Polow Da Don ("Polow") has some explaining to do regarding his prior relationship with Sony Music Nashville via Epic Records. The answer from Brown indicates a "Secret 2013 Epic/Sony Deal" by which Polow and his company Zone 4 were obligated to bring any identified artist talent to Epic/Sony. This secret deal pro...