Going "All Out" on Trademarks

John Rich initially became popular in country music as a part of the duo "Big & Rich". This name also accurately describes his approach to trademark applications for a name he has been quoted as prizing and that now graces Lower Broadway in downtown Nashville - REDNECK RIVIERA and RR REDNECK RIVIERA (In the latter stylized design mark, the two letters "R" are stacked vertically on top of one another. The bottom "R" is upside down".). Celebrities are always helpful case studies for entertainment law. Taylor Swift made news in her early years of popularity with a merchandise trademark enforcement bust at some sort of concert event. Frankly, some celebrities' legal teams handle branding and trademark issues better than others. I applaud Mr. Rich and his team on their investment into the two above-referenced marks. But I wouldn't necessarily recommend this approach to my clientele. It is intriguing to see how developing creatives in N...