Phone plan NOT a part of Parenting Plan

You are an alternate residential parent in the State of Tennessee and are paying for your son or daughter's wireless phone and data plan. The other parent becomes irritated at you and destroys or confiscates the phone, claiming authority to do so as the primary residential parent. Where is the law on this? And what, if any, recourse do you have? Many of you have seen the form parenting plan published at and required in divorce cases throughout our state. You may also be aware of divorce forms approved by the Supreme Court of Tennessee (now available with or without children) that are user friendly and streamline the process for divorcing spouses who cannot afford an attorney and who can agree on divorce terms, including terms of a Parenting Plan. Key elements of a Tennessee Parenting Plan (available online) are: Residential parenting schedule, including designation of a primary residential parent. Includes holidays, school breaks, summer schedule, Christmas ...